Policies & Procedures

When you live in La Aldea, you agree to abide by Housing & Residential Life Community Standards, which can be found in the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living. As a member of La Aldea community, you have certain rights as a resident and as a student. Please recognize that other members of this community have these same rights and that your rights stop where someone else’s rights begin.

Community Standards assist in shaping this environment, protecting your rights, and maintaining the safety of each individual. You are expected to abide by local, state and federal laws, as well as by these Community Standards and others that may be developed to further support this community.

By reading the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living, you acknowledge that you are responsible for abiding by all of the Guide’s provisions and the Policies & Procedures contained therein and agree to seek clarification from La Aldea Staff members for any items you do not understand.

If you have questions, or need help interpreting any of the standards, please contact (520) 621-6501 or housing@arizona.edu.

If you are having a problem with your roommate(s) or any other resident here at La Aldea, the staff of this building and of Housing & Residential Life is here to support you. If you would like to report any kind of difficulty with another person in the building, there are two ways to do that:

  1. Visit the La Aldea front office and speak to the Community Director about scheduling mediation between yourself and the other resident(s) involved.
  • During this informal meeting, you and the other people involved would discuss with one of the Graduate Resident Assistants (GRAs) the problems that you are having. The GRA would help you and the other people involved to come to a compromise about any situation which is making your stay in La Aldea difficult.
  • Once a compromise with which all parties are comfortable is reached, all students involved will be held accountable to those expectations. If any of the people involved were to break the agreement, they could be subject to sanctions imposed by the La Aldea Community Director.
  • Mediation is perfect for situations that do not involve a direct violation of the Polices & Procedures for Dorm Living or the License Agreement, but are making your living situation difficult.
  1. The second option is a formal complaint process through Housing & Residential Life online conduct process.
  • At the bottom of this page, you will see a link which will allow you to begin that process. When you go through this formal process, there are certain events that you should expect to happen.
  • The formal complaint process (called documentation) is not anonymous; you must sign in with your student ID number and pin given to you by the University.
  • You must also be able to identify the other people involved in the situation and give a detailed account of what happened.
  • Once you have finished your documentation, a copy is automatically sent to La Aldea’s Community Director. Once they has read your account, they may schedule a meeting with you to discuss the situation further to be sure that all the details of your account are clear.
  • The Community Director will then schedule a meeting with the other person(s) involved in the situation. A copy of your official complaint is shared with the other person(s) at this time. After this meeting, they will decide whether or not the student(s) is responsible for a violation. They may require that the person(s) who are responsible take action to remedy the situation.
  • This formal process should be completed when there is a clear violation of the Policies & Procedure for Dorm Living or the License Agreement.

The housing contract you signed is for the academic year. Please read through your Graduate Housing License Agreement for factors and penalties and contact Housing & Residential Life for more information.

Review the Graduate Application Process to learn more about terminating your contract.